AGH Library
The main library

The AGH Main Library is one of the largest technical libraries in the country. The subject of the collection is consistent with the profile of research and studies conducted by the University and includes topics in mining, drilling, metallurgy, material engineering, electrical engineering, telecommunication, automation, power engineering, electronics, computer science, biomedical engineering, foundry engineering, geodesy, geology, environmental engineering, ceramics, physics, chemistry, mathematics, management, and social sciences.
The resources of the ML can be used on the site in reading rooms or by means of external borrowings. The Library users have also the possibility to access e-resources remotely. The only requirement is enrolment, which can be done in the Library or through the system of ready-made online forms online forms.

The basic source of information about the Library’s resources is the AGH computer catalogue AGH. In the computer catalogue the user can check the balance of his/her account (information about borrowed books and their return deadline). It is also possible to extend the deadlines for returning borrowed books. The Library provides access to several Polish and foreign databases and several thousand titles of magazines and books in the electronic version. The EDS multi-search discovery service, accessible from the ML AGH home page BG AGH enables the simultaneous search of many information resources subscribed by the library, e.g. databases, journal services and electronic books of various publishers and providers. E-resources recommended for the mining industry are suggested in the brochure.