Training with Mercedes representatives for university students in Lean Management. It's not just about learning new things and learning how to apply those things in your environment.
From the academic year 2022/2023, the courses portfolio offered by the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Resource Management AGH UST will be extended by a new second degree course - Safety Engineering
Social engineering is a hacking technique that relies on human interaction to gather information. Social engineers often use deception or manipulation to trick people into revealing confidential information. Are you prepared for this? - Find out about a few of the ways you most likely have already met.
SAWO Europe's biggest exhibition of occupational safety and rescue services, during which manufacturers and distributors present their latest offer along with accompanying meetings and conferences.
The Faculty of Civil Engineering and Resource Management invites all of its academic community to the WILiGZ Day, held on May 26, 2022, from 11.00 at Forum Przestrzenie and Balon Widokowy Krakowa.