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Drive-through is not only about McDonalld’s.

Kobieta czytająca książkę w Bibliotece. Stosy książek leżące na biurku po jej prawej i lewej stronie tworzą w środku okrąg przez który widziana jest kobieta. Za nią regały zastawione książkami.

May 12 All day

Departmental Drive-through for Mind – WILiGZ Library

The circular economy is an indispensable element of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Resource Management. This element is an integral part of every WILiGZ cell, even our library. We would like to tell you that since this month the WILiGZ Library has been actively joining the action ‘Free the book. ‘Free the book‘ is an example of bookcrosing activity, the idea of which is to make books available free of charge in specially prepared places. Thanks to this, every member of the academic community, whether it is a student or an employee, will be able to reach for them, take them to yourself and read while passing by. After reading, the person put back the book aside on special shelves located in the connector of building A1 with A0 and under the W. Budryk board in building A4, so that the next person could freely reach for it.

Circular economy and Drive-through Library

To be consistent with the idea of a circular economy, you too can release your read books and leave them on the shelf. Thanks to this, you will give them a new, second life. Under the racks, you can approach or even ride a scooter at any time. In addition, the Faculty Library will provide you with a new dose of literature from time to time. Thanks to this, you will be able to develop your interests, acquire new skills and travel with pleasure throughout your studies at WILiGZ.

May news

According to what we wrote in May, you can find more news in the Faculty Library. This month, we focused strongly on the scientific discipline related to Civil Engineering and Transport. In the items we have purchased, you will find information related to:

  • a waterproofing,
  • widely understood installations,
  • wooden constructions,
  • railway infrastructure.

As a curiosity, we can recommend you a book by professor Stanisław Pisarczyk entitled ‘Building Embankments’, and the first novel in the history of Polish literature devoted to Polish so-called builders, ‘Budowlanka, that is pathologies of Polish construction’, by Tomasz Markun.
In addition, from this month you will be able to find a new magazine ‘Mosty’ here. This item is especially addressed to people who are looking for practical advice, information related to inspiring projects or the most interesting projects, and comments from experts related to bridge structures.
Detailed information about our news can be found below this post.

Let’s improve us!

We will provide you with information about our next new products on a regular basis through the department’s website and on the ‘stumbling blocks‘ on display in buildings A1 and A4. At the same time, we want to ask you for help! Improve us by sending suggestions for new book and magazine titles that you would like to find in our offer.

Author, title, year of the publicationA short description of the topicBook cover
Kacprzyk Z., Czumaj P., Dudziak S.: Modelowanie konstrukcji budowlanych, wyd. 2021The aim of the work is to show the possibility of modeling the structure, the effects of modeling and the simplest possible presentation of the FEM theory, enabling responsible calculations and their verification. The authors attempted to formulate standards for computer-aided engineering calculations.
Średniawa W.: Zastosowanie konstrukcji z drewna klejonego w budownictwie ogólnym i mostownictwie, wyd. 2021The aim of the study is to show the potential of the construction material, which was and is wood, and now glued wood.
Francke B.: Nowoczesne hydroizolacje budynków. Zeszyt 1-3, wyd. 2021-2022The series is devoted to: Book 1 – Waterproofing protection of some underground buildings, Book 2 – roofing, and Book 3 is about terraces and balconies.
Guzik J. K.: Instalacje i sieci gazowe, wyd. 2019The book covers gas installations and networks. It presents the principles of designing and implementing installations. The book is addressed to designers and contractors of gas installations and networks.
Dąbska A., Pisarczyk S. Popielski P.: Nasypy budowlane, wyd. 2022The manual is a comprehensive study of issues related to the design, construction and control of embankments made of natural and anthropogenic soils.
Wójcik G. P.: Zarządzanie jakością w aspekcie kosztowym, wyd. 2022A compendium of knowledge in the field of theoretical and practical foundations of quality issues in organization management. The monograph was created as a result of reflecting on economic and management aspects of quality in the perspective of two concepts, namely: comprehensive quality management and value management.
Markun T.: Budowlanka czyli patologie polskiego budownictwa, wyd. 2021This is a story of two young boys who wanted to learn a trade and earn a living by working on Polish construction sites. However, will our domestic construction and the system created by greedy and ruthless developers turn out to be a good choice for young people who had to fight for their fate alone and without anyone’s help?
Mucha J.: Uspołeczniona racjonalność technologiczna. Naukowcy z AGH wobec cywilizacyjnych wyzwań i zagrożeń współczesności, wyd. 2009The author of the work deals with the place, function and significance of science and technology in the social mentality, as well as with the identification of threats and civilization opportunities by certain types of collective entities, and especially by cognitively privileged entities, i.e. people and institutions of science.

Calendar of Events

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