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HOT ROLLS Autumn new books

Kobieta czytająca książkę w Bibliotece. Stosy książek leżące na biurku po jej prawej i lewej stronie tworzą w środku okrąg przez który widziana jest kobieta. Za nią regały zastawione książkami.

October 23 All day

In the fall, the Library offers its readers books from very different fields of knowledge that may be of interest to both students and lecturers from our Faculty. These include items on structure optimization, quality design of concrete, water purification in hybrid processes, gas purification processes and calculation diagrams of gas pipelines. There is also something about statistics for physicists and safety in the power industry.

Details can be found below this post.

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We will provide you with information about our next novelties on a regular basis via the department’s website and on the posted ‘boards’ in the A1 and A4 buildings. At the same time, we want to ask you for help! Improve us by sending suggestions for new book and magazine titles that you would like to see in our offer

We also invite you to have a look at our bookcrossing shelves.

Author, title, year of the publicationA short description of topicBook cover
Grzywiński M.: Wybrane zadania optymalizacji konstrukcji, ed. 2023Practical methods of computer modeling and algorithms for making optimal decisions are discussed. Some contemporary achievements of selected areas of optimization theory related to construction are presented. Emphasis is placed on examples of building structures. Since practical optimization tasks can be solved almost exclusively using computer programs, attention is paid to selected problems occurring in numerical calculations. Examples of applications of some programs are provided, they are only intended to illustrate the methods discussed in the script. The script will be helpful in getting acquainted with selected optimization computational methods, the accounting examples it contains will make it easier to understand individual issues in an accessible way, and the included tasks encourage students to write their own software.Na zdjęciu widać okładkę książki: Grzywiński M. Wybrane zadania optymalizacji konstrukcji.
Halbiniak J.: Projektowanie jakościowe i ilościowe betonów zwykłych, ed. 2023The monograph presents and discusses examples of properly prepared specifications for designed concrete. It discusses how to select the type of concrete mix ingredients, presents original examples of composing an aggregate mixture and designing the quantitative composition of concrete using computational and experimental methods. Attention was paid to the necessary compatibility of ingredients to obtain the appropriate quality of the designed concrete. The possibilities of using additives in the form of fly ash and silica dust and their impact on the characteristics of the concrete mixture and concrete were discussed.Na zdjęciu widać okładkę książki:
Dąbrowska L., Karwowska B., Rosińska  A., Sperczyńska E.: Oczyszczanie wody w procesach hybrydowych, ed. 2021The monograph concerns the issues of surface water purification, especially the removal of organic matter, heavy metal ions and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. The monograph highlights the role and importance of hybrid systems used to increase purification efficiency. When discussing the theoretical basis of the processes, the authors used the results of their previous research. An important part of the work is the research carried out by the authors in 2020, which made it possible to assess the suitability of individual systems in removing the tested pollutants. The monograph is addressed to people working at water treatment plants, students of environmental engineering and people dealing with water purification issues.Na zdjęciu widać okładkę książki:
Nowak R.: Statystyka dla fizyków, ed. 2002A book for everyone who wants not only to become proficient in the use of mathematical statistics tools, but also to better absorb and understand the material. There are over 500 tasks to solve on your own, allowing you to thoroughly master the subject through exercises.Na zdjęciu widać okładkę książki:
Markiewicz H.: Bezpieczeństwo w elektroenergetyce, ed. 1999The book is devoted to the safe use and operation of high and low voltage equipment. How to avoid threats occurring in the power industry and what are the means of protection against electric shock, atmospheric and switching overvoltages, fire, etc. To take effective action to improve safety conditions, not only appropriate material means are necessary, but above all knowledge about the possible occurrence of excessive threats and ways to reduce them.
Despite significant progress in reducing the risk of electric shock, accidents still occur due to this, especially in residential buildings and industrial facilities where electrical installations do not meet current requirements related to their safe use.
Na zdjęciu widać okładkę książki:
Zajda R.: Schematy obliczeniowe gazociągów, ed. 2001The publication provides a number of original methods to facilitate the correct design of the gas network. The author provides computational methods and principles that take into account technological requirements facilitating the design solutions of gas distribution networks, along with computational examples. This applies to gas networks, both newly constructed and existing ones requiring reconstruction.Na zdjęciu widać okładkę książki:
Warych J.: Procesy oczyszczania gazów, ed. 1999The book discusses the basic processes for purifying volatile gases and pollutants – nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, fluorine, chlorine, hydrocarbons – and the methods of their removal used in the industry. Dedusting of gases in wet, gravity, impact-inertial, centrifugal and filtration dust collectors is described in detail. The issues discussed are supplemented with a description of the equipment and auxiliary devices used in the industry. The book may be useful for students – especially Chemical Engineering and Environmental Protection – students of older grades of technical schools, technicians and engineers of the chemical, metallurgy, coke and gas industries.Na zdjęciu widać okładkę książki:

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