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HOT ROLLS June news

Witold Ceglak czytający książkę w Bibliotece. Stosy książek leżące na biórku po prawej i lewej stronie Ceglaka.

June 7 All day

In June, we offer our readers books on managing human teams and sales teams. We purchased two books by Mr. Andrzej Pacana regarding quality management techniques in enterprise logistics and the design and implementation of formalized management systems – the latter written together with other authors. We also offer our readers reading materials in the field of numerical fluid mechanics and chemical and process equipment.

Details can be found below.

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We will provide you with information about our next novelties on a regular basis via the department’s website and on the posted ‘boards’ in the A1 and A4 buildings. At the same time, we want to ask you for help! Improve us by sending suggestions for new book and magazine titles that you would like to see in our offer

We also invite you to have a look at our bookcrossing shelves.

We also invite you to have a look at our bookcrossing shelves.

Author, title, year of the publicationA short description of topicBook cover
Kirerowanie zespołami ludzkimi na miarę rewolucji cyfrowej, pod red. T. Bal-Woźniak, ed. 2021Managing human teams described in this book is included in the research perspective of joint creation of mature teams (“team building”), including committed, motivated participants, capable of jointly overcoming problems by creating new solutions, using constructive communication, in conditions of becoming more concrete re-evaluations. influenced by the digital revolution. The monograph meets the need for universal knowledge in the sense that it is useful in all types of organizations, not only in business organizations. Indicates opportunities to improve skills during exercises and workshops. An important research context are the changes characterizing the ongoing digital revolution, which is also reflected in the title of the monograph.
Bednarski A.: Mistrzowski zespół sprzedaży, ed. 2016This is a valuable book because it was written by a practitioner for practitioners. Since the beginning of his career, Arkadiusz Bednarski has created and continues to create many sales teams. He was and still is unquestionably successful with them. Now he shares his knowledge with you in his own unique way – specific and enriched with numerous real-life examples. Take advantage of his experience and build your own master sales team! It is you, as a sales manager, who is responsible for building a well-coordinated and efficient sales team out of the individuals you employ.
Pacana A.: Wybrane techniki zarządzania jakością w logistyce przedsiębiorstw, ed. 2020The dynamics of changes in the market economy mean that enterprises are forced to look for solutions that will allow them to be competitive. Changes are often sought in the sphere of management. An effective way of management is the process and system approach. Even international standards are available in this area, e.g. regarding systemic quality management. They require, among others: identifying processes, managing relationships between them and their continuous improvement. Such processes in enterprises are logistics processes. To improve them, available quality management techniques (instruments) should be used. This monograph is devoted to this issue.
Pacana A., Ingaldi M., Czajkowska A. :Projektowanie i wdrażanie sformalizowanych systemów zarządzania, ed. 2017The presented handbook is intended to serve as a literature compendium of knowledge on skillful design and implementation of formalized management systems and their integration.
Jaworski Z.: Numeryczna mechanika płynów w inżynierii chemicznej i procesowej, ed. 2005The book presents an outline of the theory and basic models of momentum, energy and mass transport processes in fluids, as well as the basics of numerical analysis of these processes. The author’s intention was to present basic and necessary information helpful to users of complex numerical fluid dynamics computational programs, primarily in the field of chemical and process engineering. This book is recommended for research workers and teachers who use numerical methods to predict the intensity of fluid transfer processes, as well as for engineers designing devices in the chemical, pharmaceutical and related industries.

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