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Let’s Talk ourselves about us, which means conscious studying


June 13 All day

Let’s Talk ourselves about us

Awareness is the beginning of success – under this motto, a series of meetings “Opowiedzmy Sobie o Sobie” (Let’s talk ourselves about us) has started at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Resource Management, the aim of which is to present the fields of second-level studies at WILGZ at AGH Krakow. The first meeting about Civil Engineering & Safety Engineering took place on 2 May 2022, and there are more to come!

The main aim of the project is to present the characteristics and advantages of studying the following fields of study: Civil Engineering, Safety Engineering, Mining Engineering, Industrial Process Engineering and Management, Environmental Engineering and Revitalization of Degraded Areas. All of these majors are offered by our university and are conducted at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Resource Management.

The first of the series of meetings was opened by the Dean of WILGZ, Prof. Marek Cała, who pointed out the importance of telling about oneself in order not only to get to know one another better, but also to provide an opportunity to talk about who we are, who is behind the particular fields of study and what opportunities second-level studies provide to our students. The best studies are conscious studies, and Let’s Talk About Ourselves allows you to make a conscious choice to study technical studies and to continue your education at master’s level.

Photo relation from the event you can find in our gallery.

Civil engineering – foundation, construction, restoration and demolition

The first presentation was given by Aleksandra Radziejowska, PhD, and Joanna Jakóbczyk, MSc, who gave a brief overview of the programme and its specialisations: Geotechnics and Special Construction, Renovation and Modernisation of Structures, Engineering of Construction Projects, Building and Engineering Structures and Geotechnical Engineering and Underground Construction. As well as providing detailed information about the programme, students were also introduced to the range of construction projects they can undertake, from the design of foundations to the planning, construction, renovation and demolition of buildings, including the use of explosives. The presentation not only highlighted the advantages of the course, but also showed the audience the link between the knowledge and experience gained during the course and real-life construction projects. During the presentation, a number of examples of building investments were shown, which constitute a base of experience for students of the course and allow for practical introduction of the discussed issues. Joanna Jakóbczyk, MSc, presented the role of geotechnics and engineering geology on the example of real case studies, indicating at the same time the importance of good recognition and appropriate geotechnical planning in volume construction.

Safety engineering – safety first, but let’s be safe comprehensively

The second 2nd circle major at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Resource Management which was presented was Safety Engineering, which is a new major at WILGZ and in which studies will begin as early as October 2022. The major was presented by Dagmara Nowak-Senderowska, PhD and Michał Dworzak, MSc, who talked about the main principles of safety education, along with a description of the two specialisations within the major: Occupational Safety and Protection and Technical and Environmental Safety. The presentation of the major included not only a discussion of what safety really is and the need for a holistic approach to it, but also the key assumption of the major, which is to complement the knowledge of safety on the basis of professional engineering knowledge gained during the bachelor’s degree. Thus, the Master’s degree in Safety Engineering is intended for all engineering graduates who wish to broaden their knowledge, experience and subsequent career opportunities to include the area of safety – in terms of occupational, environmental and machine and equipment safety, emphasizing that each of the engineering graduates can work in the profession, and completing the specialization in Occupational Safety and Protection allows you to obtain additional professional qualifications, which translates into greater attractiveness in the job market.

Knowledge and experience – a guarantee of success

Safety, apart from practical knowledge, also requires gaining experience in different areas and fields of activity. This fact led the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Resource Management to initiate cooperation with Dräger Polska Sp. z o.o. – a supplier of protective and rescue equipment and training in its use. During the meeting, the representatives of the company discussed the scope of its activities and products, at the same time emphasising the role of safety specialists in modern manufacturing companies. Based on their experience in the safety sector, the most important aspects of working as a safety specialist in various business areas were discussed. The representatives of Dräger Polska Sp. z o.o. also allowed the participants to feel the role of a rescuer in a confined space – thanks to their confined space trainer and specialised staff, they presented and enabled the experience of rescuing an injured person in quite difficult conditions.

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