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LIMit the BRAin drain! – The LIMBRA project

Umiechniéte twarze kobiet na tle nieba oraz metalowej rzeby. Z prawej strony napis EIT RawMaterials Academy. Z lewej napis Limbra.

February 21 All day

LIMit the BRAin drain! – The LIMBRA project

Recently, the LIMBRA project, implemented by our Faculty, in cooperation with several foreign universities: University of Miskolc, Technical University of Ostrava, Technical University of Košice, Tecnalia Ventures, has ended.

Our motto was: “Become an active entrepreneur in Poland!”

The overall goal of LIMBRA was to reduce the brain drain in the raw materials sector and to strengthen entrepreneurship in the Visegrad Four countries by participating in it and using the potential of young students directly or indirectly related to the raw materials sector.

The last stage was a mentoring program. Five students selected in the recruitment process in the field of Engineering and Industrial Process Management: Katarzyna Krzyżak, Iga Świątek, Wiktoria Dudzic, Jakub Kowalów and Przemysław Żywicki, took part in it.

Brain drain: why is this happening and what can we do about it?

This program was aimed at developing the competences of students, thanks to which they would be able to start their own business. Under the supervision of experts, they had the opportunity to broaden their knowledge in the field of creating such a project, both in terms of organization and law. The mentoring programme was focusing on three main areas: investment, market and technology. It included a series of trainings and taking care of students by mentors. The main goal for students was to acquire the necessary skills and get to know tools to develop business concepts and then business plans.

The training was geared towards understanding the needs of students, identifying opportunities beyond the needs of the commodity market, creating value through high-quality products, services and processes, and developing effective exchange relationships. All this information was provided to project participants during training and in the materials provided.

Resulting business proposition

As a result of the mentoring processes conducted under the supervision of: Barbara Kowal, DSc, PhD, Eng. Associated Professor, Marty Sukiennik, DSc, PhD, Eng. Associated Professor and Aneta Napieraj, PhD, Eng. Assistant Professor, the following business proposals were created:

  • LEMon – Creation of an institution providing and developing Lean Management solutions aimed at improving the economic and environmental efficiency of enterprises from the broadly understood,
  • CERM – Circular economy of the raw materials,
  • RawCluster – Creation of a cluster supporting the raw materials industry,
  • SaPla – Project of a sales platform for the raw materials market,
  • ARMoDiM – Analysis of the activities of raw materials companies in the field of digital marketing.

Engineering ideas that apply

As part of the cooperation undertaken in the project, the Students could also implement their ideas in the form of engineering projects, the execution and defense of which were perfect J

We congratulate all students from the program and keep our fingers crossed, believing that the acquired knowledge and experience will help them in their future careers. Or maybe we will meet with LEMon, CERm, RawCluster, ARMoDim or SaPla?

As part of the project, 5 task groups were implemented, more about which you can read here:

LIMBRA official website

LIMBRA Facebook profile

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