On November 16-18 was held the second international meeting within realization of educational project DigiRescueMe. The project is being financed from European Union budget within Erasmus+ program, action KA220-VET - Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training.
The November moustache is essential. It is a symbol of foundations supporting the awareness of men's health. This month, testicular cancer prevention is being shed light. On November 16, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., in the A1 building, we organise a free examination for the University community.
The Faculty of Civil Engineering and Resource Management invites to the public defense of the doctoral dissertation of Agnieszka Żuber, M.Sc., Eng., which will be held at WILiGZ on October 17th, 2022, at 12:00 a.m., room 220, A1 building.
Every year, nearly 3,000 people die on Polish roads, but over 5,200 take their own lives. 85% are men. Let's talk about it. Talk about health, not only the physical one. On November 17 at 18:00, we invite you to a discussion panel.
We would like to invite all employees, doctoral students and students to the Seminar "First steps in business - examples and challenges", which is organised within the framework of EIT Raw Materials projects.
This month we recommend another portion of literature on the issues taught at our faculty. We offer titles on nanomaterials, polymers, microplastics, magnetometry, anthropogenic eutrophication and drilling. There will also be something for the field of Construction - this time gas networks and installations and one item in the field of BIM.
The Faculty of Civil Engineering and Resource Management invites to the public defense of the doctoral dissertation of Natalia Kowalska, M.Sc., Eng., which will be held at WILiGZ on December 15th, 2022, at 12:00 a.m., room 220, A1 building.
Please join us for a training course organized as part of the TrainESEE project. The aim of the project, funded by EIT Raw Materials, is to improve the skills and competencies of the staff of Universities in Eastern and Southeastern Europe (ESEE). The training prepared within the project is based on Oxford style of debate as an effective method in academic teaching.
The Faculty of Civil Engineering and Resource Management invites to the public defense of the doctoral dissertation of Tung Vu Tien, M.Sc., Eng., which will be held at WILiGZ on December 21st, 2022, at 10:00 a.m., room 15, A4 building.