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Poland Business Run – we ran to help
September 14 All day
Relay races at Błonia Krakowskie
This year’s run edition was attended by over 32,000 runners worldwide, and over 9,000 runners took part in the run organized on Błonia Krakowskie, including the 35-person team of WILGZ.
Seven AGH UST Faculty of Civil Engineering and Resource Management teams stood at the starting line, knowing that each step on the route was more important than it seemed. They ran a total of 140 kilometres, and the route on Błonia Krakowskie also turned out to be an adventure marked by smiles.
The representation of the Faculty consisted of students and employees who took part in the relay race over the distance of 20 kilometres in mixed teams. Together, they ran the designated section, contributing to the reduction of physical and symbolic social barriers.
We want to thank every Runner who showed up for the race, and all teams finished the race in the regular time. Our team did not stop at this achievement; the “TGV WILiGZ” group was ranked 132nd in the global PBR 2022 ranking. It is an outstanding achievement; over six thousand teams participated in the race.
Lean WILiGZ: Marcel ProkopiukJulia Jachimowska (C)Krzysztof GawlikowskiZuzanna GinalskaRemigiusz Gawenda | #trustmeIManWILiGZengineer Franciszek FolgaNatalia WarzyńskaAlicja Góralczyk (C)Agnieszka RychlewskaMarcin Głowa | Brygada RR – WILGZ Marek KorzecMariusz SierpieńPaweł Bogacz (C)Patrycja BąkTomasz Niedoba |
WILiGZowicze Artur BatorMichał Twardosz (C)Aleksandra RadziejowskaMałgorzata OrlikBarbara Kowal | TGV WILiGZ Robert RanoszMateusz Sikora Rafał ŁuczakMariusz WierzbickiJoanna Jakóbczyk (C) | WILGZ Junior Engineers Kacper PtakMagdalena Rybarczyk (C)Małgorzata SajdakJulia SkrzypczakMichał Salwach |
WILiGzowe Cegiełki Andrzej Biessikirski (C)Dominika RękasDawid MikuszewskiBarbara Syposz-ŁuczakPiotr Trzciński | Summary results of the WILGZ representation: 35 runners7 teams140 kilometresAll teams finished in a regular time132th place in a worldwide ranking |
Poland Business Run Foundation – support and elimination of social barriers
The initiative, founded by several runners from Krakow in 2012 brings thousands of teams willing to help others together. The Poland Business Run Foundation organizes a charity run for people with physical disabilities every year. This year’s edition supported an additional group – women after breast amputation – who need rehabilitation and psychological help.
In Poland, about 20,000 women learn that they have breast cancer each year. Nearly 140,000 Polish women live with the disease. Since 2021, breast cancer has been declared the most frequently diagnosed type of cancer worldwide. Diagnosis and treatment are one of the main aspects of prevention. At the same time, women who have undergone mastectomy face additional challenges – self-acceptance and social prejudices.
The participants of the run directly impact the size of the budget, which also supports rehabilitation after surgery aimed at regaining full fitness.
Even though the teams represented various organizations on the route, we had one goal – to purchase prostheses and prams and provide rehabilitation and psychological support for people with motor disabilities and after mastectomy.
What about 2023? Do you want to join?
Next year’s edition of the Poland Business Run will also be on the calendar of the Faculty’s community activity.
All you need to do is contact one of the Coordinators of the WILGZ teams by e-mail and declare your willingness to take part in the event
Coordinators of the WILGZ Representation in Poland Business Run:
Joanna Jakóbczyk – jjakob@agh.edu.pl
Michał Twardosz – michaltw@agh.edu.pl
Robert Ranosz – rranosz@agh.edu.pl