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Public defense of the doctoral dissertation of Klaudia Zwolińska-Glądys, M.Sc.

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25 October 2024 @ 12:00 14:00

The Chairman and the Council of the Discipline of Environmental Engineering, Mining and Power Engineering would like to kindly inform you that on October 25, 2024 at 12:00 p.m. in pav. A-4, room 3, the public defense of the doctoral dissertation of  Klaudia Zwolińska-Glądys, M.Sc. will be held.

Thesis topic: „Airflow analysis in road tunnels, considering the ventilation system used

Doctoral supervisor:
Dr hab. inż. Marek Borowski – AGH University of Technology

Dissertation co-advisor:
Dr inż. Rafał Łuczak – AGH University of Technology

Dr hab. inż. Małgorzata Król – Silesian University of Technology
Dr hab. inż. Jerzy Krawczyk – Strata Mechanics Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Dr hab. inż. Tomasz Ochrymiuk -Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery, Polish Academy of Sciences

Information on reviews

All interested parties may familiarize themselves with reviews, as well as with the doctoral thesis at the Main Library of AGH, Kraków, 30 Mickiewicza Av.The abstract and reviews of the doctoral dissertation are published on the:,m,403254,inzynieria-srodowiska- gornictwo-i-energetyka-dziedzina-nauk-inzynieryjno-technicznych.html.

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