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Safety in a comprehensive way – a new programme at the FCE&RM AGH UST

Grafika. Mężczyzna w zielonej czapce i zielonym plecaku spogląa w kierunku grupki machających do niego studentów znajdujących się na tle nowoczesnego budynku oraz budowanej rakiety. U dołu napis : Nowy Kierunek to nowe możliwości. Poznaj- Inżynieria Bezpieczeństwa WILGZ.

April 19 All day

Studying Safety Engineering as an opportunity to increase ones potential on the job market – professional qualifications, knowledge & experience

The Safety Engineering studies at FCE&RM AGH UST provides a vide perspective on safety issues in the area of occupational health and safety, environmental protection and industrial safety. The modern and innovative study programme integrates aspects of human safety at work and in the natural environment, considering the impact of the industrial domain on human life and the corresponding risks in the surroundings. Graduation in Safety Engineering not only allows you to obtain a professional qualification as a health and safety officer, but also provides a wide range of employment opportunities thanks to the engineering approach to solving safety problems in their broad social, environmental and technical context.

Employee, technical facilities and environmental safety based on real-life examples with experienced specialists

The Master’s degree in Safety Engineering, as well as providing knowledge in the field of occupational, environmental and technical safety, is an ideal solution for those who are looking for an interesting career path in which their engineering degree can provide a solid background of expertise for safety engineering in a specific industry. Thanks to well-qualified academic staff with competences from various domains and subjects, the studies provide an opportunity to acquire skills and knowledge in the field of managing work processes that require maintaining a particularly high level of safety in terms of protecting people’ health and life, technical equipment and the environment. The education on the Security Engineering programme covers practical laboratory and workshop classes, the aim of which is to prepare alumni for independent, effective and efficient professional activity in the area of safety in a market economy and Industry 4.0 conditions. A particular emphasis is placed on the acquisition of team-working skills, communication skills and accountability, all of which are developed during the studies in courses on soft and interpersonal skills, giving graduates practical knowledge for conducting professional trainings. Well-chosen, experienced teaching staff, who have both substantial knowledge and practical experience in the field of safety in various areas of people’ activities – occupational safety and health, mechanics and construction, civil engineering, management systems, environmental engineering and conservation, or fire protection, is a guarantee of education based on the practical aspects of safety in various sectors of the industry.

Tell me and I will forget, show me and I will remember, let me do and I will understand” Confucius.

Practical confirmation of acquired skills and knowledge during the Safety Engineering studies will be possible thanks to internships in large and attractive production companies, with which AGH cooperates. The education at Safety Engineering programme is mainly based on experience, and thanks to the constantly developed laboratory base, including modern VR technologies, students can verify their knowledge also in a dynamically changing environment.

Safety Engineering alumni can find employment, inter alia, in occupational health and safety departments in all branches of industry, in administrative units dealing with occupational health and safety and environmental protection and monitoring; in rescue services and crisis management units; in units certifying, implementing and maintaining safety systems. In addition, graduates of the specialization Occupational Safety and Protection have the opportunity to obtain professional qualifications of a senior OSH inspector and hold managerial positions in OSH services.

Safety Engineering is a new and highly practical approach to safety education, which corresponds to the current trends and needs of the job market. Many years of experience of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Resource Management at AGH UST in the field of safety education, supported by well-selected and adequately qualified teaching staff, results not only expansion of your knowledge & experience, allow you to get professional qualifications, but it will also help diversify your possible career path, allowing you to adapt to the current job market needs.

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