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SOES Conference
The Ekospirit Scientific Circle invites students of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Resource Management to the third edition of the SOES Conference, which will take place on 20th of April 2023 at 9:00 in room 101 in Pavilion A3/A4.
April 20 All day
The main theme of the conference will be An Environmental Engineer on the labor market: Expectations, opportunities, challenges. The speakers will present what they face in their daily work and what skills are required from environmental engineers.
Conference program
9:00 prof. dr hab. Inż. Marek Cała, Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Resource Management – Start of the conference,
9:15 dr inż. Grzegorz Galiniak, AGH – Sanitary Engineer – design and supervision,
9:35 Mariusz Wypler, PWIK Sp. z o.o. Ruda Śląska – Sanitary economy in the commune,
9:55 Ewa Mirek – Jonkisz, JSW S.A. – Organisation of mining waste management,
10:15 Paweł Wieczorek, PGE Ekoserwis – Circular economy in practice,
11:05 Discussion,
11:20 Coffee break,
11:35 dr inż. Jacek Pietrzyk, Deloitte Polska – Entrepreneur, Consultant, Expert, Official – what competencies does the labor market expect from an environmental engineer,
11:55 dr inż. Ewa Wysowska, Sądeckie Wodociągi Sp. z o. o. – Environmental engineer in the water supply sector,
12: 15 Bartosz Mikuś, ERBUD S.A. – Prospects for work and professional development in the HVAC industry,
12:35 Discussion
12:50 dr hab. inż. Radosław Pomykała – Summary of the conference,
13.00-14.00 dr inż. Jacek Pietrzyk, Deloitte Polska – Workshops: Public consultation on environmental investments.
We cordially invite all students of the 1st and 2nd degree to participate in the Conference