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Summer ‘Brain fit’

Kobieta czytająca książkę w Bibliotece. Stosy książek leżące na biurku po jej prawej i lewej stronie tworzą w środku okrąg przez który widziana jest kobieta. Za nią regały zastawione książkami.

June 28 All day

Brain fit

In June, the FCE&RM Library would like to offer you several new titles. We offer news in the field of economic issues: entrepreneurship, accounting, and project management. We also propose the literature on other neural networks for research in various fields. We also have books from the environmental protection and energy department.

Hot buns

We will endeavor to provide you with information about our next news regularly. We are also waiting for suggestions for new book and magazine titles. Look for information about our “hot buns” always here. In addition, pay attention to the boards of the A1 and A4 items on display – there will also be a peace of information about new books!

New opening hours

From July 28th to August 31st 2022, the FCE&RM Library will be closed. Additionally, on June 30th 2022, the Faculty Library will also be closed.

Autor, tytuł, rok wydaniaKrótki  zarys tematykiOkładka
Tracy B.: Przedsiębiorczość. Jak założyć i rozwijać własną firmę, wyd. 2021It presents concepts, principles and strategies that have been working for hundreds of years. They concern the financing of the company, methods of conducting the activities of employees, sales and marketing. This actual case teaches what a website of opportunities and activities will look like. Thanks to it, you will establish and run a successful company.
Łada M., Burkat H.: Rachunek strumieni wartości jako metoda szczupłej rachunkowości , wyd. 2018The presented account belongs to the basic methods of the so-called lean accounting. The book describes methods such as: target cost accounting, kaizen cost improvement account, result tables as well as operational and financial planning system and value streams account.
Kozarkiewicz A.: Zarządzanie portfelami projektów, wyd. 2012The author discusses issues related to the management of portfolios and project programs in the context of strategy. The work takes into account the most popular and proven project management standards and methodologies: PMI, PRINCE2, TenStep, as well as modern tools and concepts, such as: real options, the INVEST model.
Żmigrodzki M.: Instrukcja obsługi projektów, wyd. 2021The book describes nearly 100 techniques supporting better organization of work in the project, and the reader may find inspiration or a useful solution. A simplified approach to creating a design methodology, inspired by the PMBOK Guide, was presented. This makes it easier for you to understand what design processes are.
Markowska –Kaczmar U.: Ekstrakcja reguł z sieci neuronowych, wyd. 2006The monograph concerns the use of genetic algorithms to extract rules from neural networks.
Kosiński R. A.: Sztuczne sieci neuronowe, wyd. 2007This book introduces the essence of the issue of artificial neural networks, it presents: properties and operation of the human nervous system, description of networks using methods of statistical mechanics, dynamic properties of neural systems, etc.
Bugdol M., Stańczyk I.: Zielone zarządzanie ludźmi, wyd. 2021It is an original and innovative development. There is no publication of this type on the Polish market yet, and the topic itself is still being recognized. The leading idea concerns pro-environmental solutions in human resource management.
Taler D., Rup K.: Podstawy obliczeń turbin wiatrowych i wodnych, wyd. 2021Each chapter contains a synthetic description of the problem, basic equations resulting, for example, from the balance of mass, momentum, angular momentum and energy, as well as practical calculation examples. The whole is supported by numerous diagrams, charts and tables.
Petrov O., Shumeyko O., Basiura B., Petrov A.: Introduction to Data Mining, wyd. 2019The monograph concerns the possibility of using algorithms, mainly in the field of Data Mining, in the field of information processing, which is currently the most important method of acquiring knowledge. A CD with training programs and materials was attached to the study.

Calendar of Events

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