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WILiGZ joins Movember Polska

Kolaż zdjęć. Pięciu mężczyzn w mundurach górniczcych stoi przed pomnikiem. W prawym rogu 3 mężczyzn w mundurze stoi na schodach. W lewym górnym rogu, uśmiechnięty mężczyzna w czapce górniczej ustawił się w pozycji dab.

November 5 @ 08:00 17:00

WILiGZ supports Movember Polska 

Movember is an international movement that aims to change men’s attitudes towards personal health. Every year in November, they promote the growth of a mustache. They provoke discussion, and as the primary goal, they research and diagnose. 

Gentlemen, Men, Guys, Guys! Friends, homies, buddies, and all those who support our activities for the eighth time! Dear ladies, colleagues, girlfriends, friends, wives, mothers, and grandmothers – thank you for spending so much time persuading your men to take care of their health. These words are welcomed by the organizer of “Movember Polska” on their website. 

This year we joined the eighth Movember Polska campaign. 

Engaged representatives of science and mining 

This edition of the Movember Polska campaign will be the eighth year the organizers promote awareness among people. Live and virtual; they talk about issues related to men’s health. Until now, they urged people to learn to self-test, diagnose their testicles, get their PSA levels checked, and get regular prostate checkups. In recent years, they have also touched on other aspects of health – mental health, because nowadays, more men struggle with the thoughts of giving up than with prostate cancer. They examined over 11,000 guys during their activity – imagine how many hours were spent in offices, how many ultrasound gel! Another 22,000 disposable gloves. The number of lectures on health and destroyed phantoms that passed through hundreds of hands cannot be counted. 

Movember in Krakow 

Anyone interested has the opportunity to take part in free surveys organized by the Movember Polska foundation. Below we have attached a list of the upcoming dates and locations, as well as useful links. In Krakow, you can take part in the study on November 6. 

6 listopada

Galeria Bronowice

ul. Stawowa 61, 31-346 Kraków

10:00 – 20:00, sobota, 6 XI 2021

Wydarzenia — Movember Polska

Movember Polska

Calendar of Events

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