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3rd Pilot School EnAct-SDGs Recruitment

Kolaż. Na zdjęciu z lewej. Student w szarej bluzie wydziałowej wyciąga ręke ku górze na tle pola oraz błękitne nieba. Na zdjęciu po prawej stojące Studentki w bluzach wydziałowych na tle zielenii i przeszkolnego budynku.

December 8 December 10

3rd Pilot School EnAct-SDGs

After the success of two pilot schools of the EnACt-SDGs project, we cordially invite students to participate in the next edition, which will take place in December. The 3rd EnAct-SDGs Pilot School is a three-day event dedicated to innovation and entrepreneurship for the raw materials industry. It is organized as part of the EnAct-SDGs project, a two-year EIT Regional Innovation Scheme-RIS Matchmaking and Networking project financed by EIT RawMaterials.

The program is based on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the principles of the circular economy. Students will collaborate with entrepreneurs and industry partners using design thinking and lean startup methodology to face challenges in the raw materials industry and generate new business ideas. The school combines lectures and mentoring from recognized experts in the field along with a hands-on approach. Participants will work in teams to understand industrial challenges and to prototype and validate business solutions. The curriculum is developed by the University of Trento and Hub Innovation Trentino (Italy), TU Freiberg (Germany) and Montanuniversität Leoben (Austria), partners of the ENACT-SDGs project.

The most important information

  • Dates: December 8-10, 2021
  • Form: online
  • Language of training courses: English
  • Description: 3 training days online classes (lectures, interactive workshops, team mentoring, team work, social events) with individual / group work offline in the afternoon with support from mentors.
  • Participation in the School is free, the number of places is limited.

For whom?

The summer school is aimed primarily at students who have completed the 4th semester of studies or graduates from three ESEE Universities participating in the project:

  • NTUA National Technical University of Athens, School of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, Greece,
  • AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
  • TUKE University of Technology in Kosice, Slovakia

How to apply?

Student applications will be assessed by the admissions committee on the basis of the following criteria:

  • Curriculum vitae
  • Letter of motivation
  • Confirmed knowledge of the English language – min. B2 certificate.
  • Documentation of average grades for the semesters of completed studies
  • Additional activity (optional), including: working in a student research club, delivering papers, participating in seminars and conferences, publishing articles in scientific and popular science journals, etc.

More information on the EnAct-SDGs Third Pilot School can be found in the official invitation on the EnAct-SDGs website.

The application form can be found at Google Forms.

We cordially invite you to participate. If you have any questions, please contact us:

dr inż. Sylwia Lorenc,

MSc. Klaudia Zwolińska,

Calendar of Events

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