Research University

The programme “Initiative of Excellence – Research University” (IDUB) was implemented by the new Act – Law on Higher Education and Science and is one of the key elements of the reform of science and higher education.
The programme selects and provides support for universities that strive to achieve the status of a research university and will be able to effectively compete with the best academic centres in Europe and in the world. At the Stanisław Staszic AGH University of Science and Technology the project started in 2020, the midterm evaluation is due in 2023, and the final evaluation in 2026.
The objectives of the programme are:
- improving the international position and recognition of AGH
- gaining the potential to effectively compete with the best academic centres in Europe and worldwide
As part of the programme, the following measures are being undertaken and aimed at:
- increasing the impact of AGH scientific activities on the development of world science
- reinforcing research cooperation with scientific institutions of outstanding international reputation
- improvement of the education standards for students and doctoral students
- preparation and implementation of comprehensive solutions supporting the professional development of the university staff, in particular, young scientists
- enhancing the quality of university management, including pro-quality organizational changes
Eight Priority Research Areas (PRA) were distinguished, to which the following scientific areas and disciplines were assigned:
- Sustainable energy technologies, renewable energy sources and energy storages
- New technologies for a closed-loop economy
- Water-energy-climate: interdisciplinary approaches for sustainable development
- Technical solutions: from basic research, modeling and design to prototypes
- Materials, technologies, and processes inspired by nature
- Intelligent information, telecommunications, computing, and control technologies
- Design, production, research into advanced materials and future technologies
- Breaking the limits: experimental high-energy physics, extreme states of matter, transdisciplinary applications
In the area of education, five activities have been highlighted in order to upgrade and link the educational process carried out at our university with POB. These are:
- Integration of learning with research (Action 12)
- The Educational Quality System aimed at adapting the educational process to emerging needs and requirements and at diagnosing and eliminating undesirable occurrences (Action 13)
- Organisation and progression of studies taking into account the needs and interests of the most talented students (Action 14)
- Internationalisation of the learning process (Action 15)
- Human resources policy supporting the development of didactic competencies (Action 16)
Detailed information about AGH Research University.