Student Research Groups
“Aksjator” Student Research Group of Structural Mechanics

The “Aksjator” Student Research Group of Structural Mechanics was established in December 2017 at the Department of Geomechanics, Civil Engineering and Geotechnics. The mission of the “Aksjator” SRG is to bring together and assist in the scientific development of hard-working and talented students of AGH, in particular students of the Construction Engineering Faculty.
Henryk Ciurej, Ph.D.
(12) 617 47 72
Michał Betlej, Ph.D.
(12) 617 47 72
- Civil Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- FEM modelling
- Structural dynamics
- Optimisation

“Detonator” Students’ Research Group on Firing Techniques and Explosives
The “Detonator” Student Research Group of Firing Technique and Explosives operates at the Department of Mining Engineering and Occupational Safety of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Resource Management.
The activities of the “Detonator” are connected with scientific work, development of skills and knowledge in the field of wide-range explosive technology and civil application in various branches of economy – underground and opencast mining, construction and environmental engineering, as well as cooperation with domestic and foreign organisations and entities engaged in the application, production and research of explosives. The direct cooperation with the Laboratory of Firing Techniques and Environmental Impacts and the Central Laboratory of Firing Techniques and Explosives with a research and didactic station in Regulice allows to broaden the theoretical education by practical subjects and to implement student research projects.

EKOSPIRIT Student Research Group

The EKOSPIRIT Student Research Group was founded in 2001 and operates at the Department of Environmental Engineering.
The main objective of the Group is to stimulate scientific, research, creative, self-educational and promotional activities in the field of environmental engineering, especially in the area of waste management, water and air conservation, reclamation of land degraded by industry and renewable energy sources. Members of the club are involved in various scientific and managerial works, they actively attend lectures, conferences, and study tours to industrial plants.
Waldemar Kępys
12 617 40 18
- Waste management
- Water and sewage management
- Water conservation
- Soil and ground conservation
- Preservation of atmospheric air
- Restoration
- Environmental education

FILAR Students Research Group

The FILAR Student Research Group was founded on 20 October 1972. Since the beginning of its existence, it has united all students, who are interested in geoengineering and wish to broaden their scientific background while studying there. The objectives of the FILAR SRG are in particular:
The FILAR Students Research Group was founded on 20 October 1972.Since the beginning of its existence, it unites all students, who are interested in geoengineering and wish to broaden their scientific background while studying there. The objectives of the FILAR SRG are in particular:
1) model studies of underground mining systems;
2) collaboration with underground mining companies and scientific institutions;
3) representative activities of the Department of Mining Engineering and Occupational Safety.The goals above are achieved by:
- conducting, under the supervision of the Scientific Supervisor, laboratory research on the lining of mine workings and backfilling materials; numerical research connected with the identification of the strain condition around the workings; computer-aided design of underground mining systems;
- implementation of Rector’s Grants connected with innovations in mining engineering;
- organising scientific meetings during the St. Barbara’s Day celebrations;
- organising meetings with industry representatives and companies connected with geoengineering;
- attendance at national and international conferences and expert scientific courses;
- industrial and scientific internships at Polish and foreign mining plants and research institutes;
- presentation of mining systems models; mining supports; remote-controlled mining machines as part of Faculty promotion;
- study visits to scientific units and underground mining plants*.
Krzysztof Skrzypkowski, Ph.D.
12 617 21 60
- Laboratory tests of mine linings and backfilling materials
- Computer-aided design of underground mining systems
- Construction of remote-controlled mining machine models

“Kliwent” Student Research Group

The activity in the “Kliwent” Research Group allows developing knowledge in the field of designing ventilation and air conditioning systems, both for industrial and public buildings. The members are constantly establishing and expand their contacts with companies operating in the HVAC industry.
There is a strong emphasis on the analysis of self-development and the prospects of working in the industry. The Group in the wide context also focuses on environmental protection, analysing systems that reduce the emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere. The expansion of knowledge and experience is carried out, among other things, during seminars and lectures hosted by both academic lecturers and specialists related to the HVAC industry. The members also engage in scientific and research works conducted at the Faculty and University, related to the ventilation and air-conditioning problems.
Marek Korzec, Ph.D.
(12) 617 20 89
Kazimierz Piergies, Ph.D.
(12) 617 20 89
- Ventilation
- Air conditioning
- Heating
- Cooling
- Heat pumps
- Renewable energy sources

Construction and Geomechanics Research Group

The Research Group of Construction and Geomechanics started in 1965 under the name „Górotwór”. The range of our activities is very wide and diverse.
In the spirit of “See what unites us”, we strive to broaden our knowledge, arouse passion, and create bonds. Recent projects of the Group are “Development of methods for strengthening historic structures of the Palace Ensemble in Gorzanów”, “Assessment of the technical condition of the historic church in Podlegórz with geotechnical elaboration”, as well as the latest project, in cooperation with other SKPG (Student guide association) : “Revitalization of the Monastery Site in Kamieniec Podolski”. We organise meetings with representatives of construction companies, field studies at construction sites, computer software training. In the laboratory, we are engaged in modern building materials testing and construction diagnostics. Since 2013, we have been organising the Conference “AGH Construction – let’s share the experience”, which allows us to exchange experiences and integrate the current students and graduates.
Justyna Jaskowska-Lemańska
502 382 953
- Building Materials
- Technology and Organisation of Construction
- Integrated Design in Construction
- Diagnostics of building structures
- Geomechanics, Geotechnics

“Skalnik” Rock Mining Research Group

The “Skalnik” Opencast Mining Research Group has been affiliated with the Faculty since 1964. Its members include ambitious and creative people whose aim is to expand their knowledge related to surface mining.
They actively participate in sessions and conferences, including the Conference of Student Research Groups of the Mining Division of AGH University of Science and Technology and take part in technological study tours, where they gain new experience and practical knowledge by understanding the problems of mining plants.The mission of promoting the mining industry is reflected in high school visits and thematic workshops, e.g. as part of “AGH Junior”, where attendees can learn about surface mining. Cooperation with companies and student organisations allows members to carry out interesting scientific and research projects. For instance, a specialised control device for blast holes, constructed by members of the club, is being tested at mining sites. Another project is the “Meetings in Industry” series, where students have the opportunity to talk to people from the industry and ask specific questions about their career paths. Currently, the Group is implementing the grant called “360”, which involves digitising technological processes in opencast mines using a 360 camera, as well as the grant called “Game”, which involves developing a board game on mineral resources.
Michał Patyk, Ph.D.
12 617 21 10
- Analysis and optimisation of technological systems
- Modern technologies in mining
- Promotion of opencast mining
- Blasting technology

“Management” Student Research Group

For almost 30 years, “Management” Student Research Group has been actively involved in the Department of Industrial Economics and Management, and for several years, it has been ranked among the best Student Research Groups at AGH University of Krakow.
The mission of the group is to acquire and transfer knowledge in the field of broadly defined management and production engineering in the most attractive way. Every year, members of the group carry out a dozen or so scientific and educational projects, participate and organise scientific conferences, educate themselves and others in educational workshops, learn about production processes by participating in technological field expeditions in Poland and abroad, achieve awards and distinctions in scientific competitions in Poland and abroad.These young scientists form a well-coordinated group of enthusiasts and fellow students who want something more from their studies! And the acquaintances and friendships made during activities in the organisation are kept for many years after graduation.
- Production Engineering
- Lean Management
- Management
- Marketing