WRSS WILGZ, i.e. the Faculty’s Council of the Students of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Resource Management, is a group of 15 representatives of students of our Faculty at the AGH University of Krakow. We have been dynamically operating at AGH for many years, wanting to improve the atmosphere in our Alma Mater. We introduce amenities and new ideas that benefit the entire University Community. We are ambitious, active, creative and hardworking, which helps us to perform our tasks enthusiastically. We share a common passion – caring for the development, future and promotion of the Faculty, as well as striving to make the Faculty student-friendly. It is our duty to reconcile a modern approach to education without losing the traditions accompanying the Faculty.
What do we do?
Our Council is divided into four teams – Social Media, Promotion, Educational Quality and Events. The latter is responsible for the organization of events and parties. The Promotion Team deals with establishing cooperation with numerous companies and organizations. At the same time, the Didactics Section cares for the comfort of studying at the Faculty and gives opinions on current documents regarding the fields of study. The combination of activities and initiatives of all sections is conducive to creating exceptional projects. The three largest ones are Barbórka, Rajd and Bal. We also organize various monthly events and themed parties, the stories and course of which you can follow on our social media: @wrsswilgz.
Remember that we are there for you – for every person at the Faculty, we offer help, and you can always talk to us. TOGETHER WE ROCK THE FUTURE
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