Summer ‘Brain fit’
The Faculty Library has prepared several new titles so that we can all keep the holiday 'Brain fit'. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the Library's offer and its new, temporary operating hours.
The Faculty Library has prepared several new titles so that we can all keep the holiday 'Brain fit'. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the Library's offer and its new, temporary operating hours.
Recruitment for 1st-degree studies is in progress. There are six best technical studies to choose from at WILGZ. The beginning of July is the time of publication of the results of the matura exams. The candidates are waiting impatiently to know the results. If you have not yet chosen the field of study you want to take on, now is the time - we will help you decide.
Don't listen to the sceptics! These words were addressed to us at one of the first visited post-industrial facilities in the German Ruhr Area - the Phoenix West Steelworks in Dortmund. During the week-long internship, students of all age groups in the Revitalisation of Industrial Areas had the opportunity to learn about German revitalisation implementations, which were accompanied by vision, courage, innovation, momentum and good organisation.
Edukacja to klucz do sukcesu. A studia podyplomowe to sposób na podnoszenie i zdobywanie nowych kwalifikacji – często przekładający się na wyższe zarobki, lepsze i szersze perspektywy pracy. Wejdź na rynek pracy jako knowledge worker.
We encourage students to take part in the micro-projects call in the field of circular economy. The projects will be implemented as a part of the ETEIA.
We celebrate every success of our community, big and small victories, milestones, all to achieve the goals of studying at the university. Students of Construction education won a distinction in the fifth edition of the "Young Engineers" competition.
KNOWLEDGE - PASSION - BOND distinguishes students and graduates of AGH. How is it manifested in the students of the Regeneration of Degraded Areas? We asked them to prepare a few sentences on how they perceived their recent academic journey.