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Christmas book novelties in the library

Kobieta czytająca książkę w Bibliotece. Stosy książek leżące na biurku po jej prawej i lewej stronie tworzą w środku okrąg przez który widziana jest kobieta. Za nią regały zastawione książkami.

December 1 @ 08:00 17:00

This month we recommend another portion of literature on the issues taught at our faculty. We offer titles on nanomaterials, polymers, microplastics, magnetometry, anthropogenic eutrophication and drilling. There will also be something for the field of Construction – this time gas networks and installations and one item in the field of BIM. Details can be found below.

Detailed information about our news can be found below.

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We will provide you with information about our next novelties on a regular basis via the department’s website and on the posted ‘boards’ in the A1 and A4 buildings. At the same time, we want to ask you for help! Improve us by sending suggestions for new book and magazine titles that you would like to see in our offer.

We also invite you to have a look at our bookcrossing shelves.

Author, title, year of the publicationA short description of topicBook cover
Moskalewicz T.: Wprowadzenie do osadzania elektroforetycznego powłok polimerowych i kompozytowych o osnowie polimerowej na podłożach tytanowych, wyd. 2022The monograph deals with theoretical and practical issues of designing and producing coatings on titanium and its alloys substrates using the electrophoretic deposition process and possible additional heat treatment. It introduces the recipient to the topic of electrophoretic deposition. The paper presents the theoretical background necessary to understand the process of electrophoretic deposition of coatings. Information on the design, properties and preparation of stable dispersion systems used for the production of coatings was presented. Deposition technology and techniques are discussed in detail. On the basis of a critical analysis of the literature and own research, the mechanisms and kinetics of coating deposition, as well as the parameters determining the process and practical aspects of their optimization were described.Moskalewicz T.: Wprowadzenie do osadzania elektroforetycznego powłok polimerowych i kompozytowych o osnowie polimerowej na podłożach tytanowych
Skrypt do zajęć laboratoryjnych z przedmiotu nanomateriały i nanotechnologie,  red. D. Kata. Wyd. 2022The script includes eight exercises with an identical structure, which consists of two parts: theoretical preparation and the course of the exercise. The theoretical parts contain a compendium of knowledge necessary to understand the studied phenomena and their interpretation, they also present a list of literature expanding the given issues. The exercise sections describe the apparatus and reagents used in the exercise, and provide instructions on how to process the results. Each exercise ends with a list of questions and issues to help the student prepare for the exercise.In addition to issues related to the characteristics of nanopowders and nanosuspensions, the topics of the exercises also include the process of manufacturing ceramic nanomaterials, presenting their microstructures and some of their physical properties, e.g. thermal. In addition, selected topics related to the laser technique for the production of ceramic materials were presented. All content has been selected and presented in an understandable way, and through the use of numerous drawings and photos – also attractive.The script is intended for students of the following faculties: materials engineering, chemical and process engineering and other fields related to nanotechnology and nanomaterials.Skrypt do zajęć laboratoryjnych z przedmiotu nanomateriały i nanotechnologie,  red. D. Kata.
Wąsowski J., Bogdanowicz A.: Mikroplastiki w środowisku wodnym, wyd. 2020This publication, unique on the Polish market, is devoted to the analysis and methods of removing plastics – microplastics from the environment. The aim of the book is to measure the presence of microplastics in the aquatic environment and to analyze the possibilities of their removal during wastewater and water treatment. The publication is addressed to engineers, materials scientists and specialists dealing with the production, application and removal of plastics from the environment, ecologists and specialists in environmental protection, local governments. The publishing house also recommends it to students of engineering and environmental protection as well as postgraduate students in this field.Wąsowski J., Bogdanowicz A.: Mikroplastiki w środowisku wodnym
Grabowska T.: Magnetometria stosowana, cz. 1 i 2, wyd. 2013Volume 1 of the textbook presents the physical foundations of the magnetic properties of matter, information on the Earth’s magnetic field, its measurements and interpretation of results. This part of the manual, explaining to the reader the basics of the magnetic (magnetometric) method, can be useful in studying applied magnetometry, and also become a good starting point for understanding the processes and phenomena that are of interest to magnetometric environmental research. Volume 2 of the textbook is devoted to the issues of magnetometric environmental research. It concerns the specificity of these tests and their importance in recognizing threats to the natural human environment.The textbooks are intended primarily for students of applied geophysics, in particular with the specialization in environmental geophysics, as well as students of geology, environmental engineering and environmental protection. It can also be useful for employees of universities and scientific institutions, geophysical companies and environmental researchers.Grabowska T.: Magnetometria stosowana, cz. 1 i 2
Olsze Alnus sp. w rekultywacji terenów poprzemysłowych, wyd. 2020A comprehensive study on the effects of using three alder species in the reclamation of soilless areas. An extensive compendium of knowledge on the impact of alders on biogeochemical changes taking place in soilless areas in the process of their reclamation.The results concerning the influence of unfavorable edaphic conditions on the chemical composition of leaves and the number and chemical composition of the roots of small alders are important. It was used in a monograph of a very wide and recent literature on reclamation. This study should be recommended not only to a wide range of academic recipients (students of mining, environmental engineering, forestry or spatial management), but also to a wide range of reclamation practice.Olsze Alnus sp. w rekultywacji terenów poprzemysłowych
Wiśniowski R., Stryczek S., Janc D.: Technika i technologia wierceń rdzeniowych, wyd. 2017The intention of the authors was to present the currently used technique and technology of core drilling and to indicate the directions of their further development. This monograph was created on the basis of the analysis of scientific and technical literature, as well as the professional experience of the authors. It is a review of drilling equipment available in the world for core extraction and an analysis of factors affecting the effect of the work carried out. The practical part presents a core drilling procedure commonly used in the industry and a new optimization method based on the criterion of maximum core recovery developed at the Oil and Gas Drilling Department of the AGH University of Science and Technology.Wiśniowski R., Stryczek S., Janc D.: Technika i technologia wierceń rdzeniowych
Neverova-Dziopak E.: Podstawy zarządzania procesem eutrofizacji antropogenicznej, wyd. 2010The monograph concerns a priority problem in the field of water protection and rational management of water resources, related to anthropogenic eutrophication. The scientific basis is presented, which makes it possible to control the course of anthropogenic eutrophication processes in order to prevent its negative consequences: deterioration of the usable quality of surface waters and degradation of aquatic ecosystems.Negative consequences of intensification of eutrophication processes are presented.An analysis of the possibility of controlling this process by affecting the abiotic and biotic factors of aquatic ecosystems was considered. The monograph presents a comparative analysis of the existing eutrophication indicators, the range of their values ​​and methods of assessing the trophic status of surface waters.The monograph presents the author’s proposal for a methodology for assessing the trophic state of waters. Possibilities of practical use of the proposed methodology for various purposes in a wide spectrum were presented. The economic aspects of eutrophication and the analysis of the costs of removing biogenic substances from wastewater are presented.A new approach to controlling the status and shaping the quality of surface waters has also been proposed.Neverova-Dziopak E.: Podstawy zarządzania procesem eutrofizacji antropogenicznej
Tomana A.: BIM, wyd. 2016This is the first Polish monograph on BIM. The technology discussed in the book covers all industries, both designers and contractors, as well as investors, building users and even academic teachers. The reader will find here the basics of BIM technology, its standards and tools as well as examples of applications in Polish companies.Tomana A.: BIM
Bąkowski K.: Sieci i instalacje gazowe, wyd. 2018The book presents the latest technical solutions for gas-powered networks, installations and devices, based on, among others, on the information materials of producers and distributors. All issues have been developed taking into account the currently applicable, amended provisions of the construction and energy law, as well as the provisions of the amended Polish Standards, European Standards and Company Standards of the Polish Oil and Gas Mining. The guide is intended for design engineers, contractors and employees of technical and operational supervision of gas installations and networks. It is also useful for students of technical universities, especially environmental engineering, energy and construction.Bąkowski K.: Sieci i instalacje gazowe
Korbel K.: Laboratorium elektroniki jądrowej, wyd. 2002.This is a university script for a nuclear electronics laboratory, it contains instructions for laboratory exercises. Its subject concerns the use of electronic circuits and nuclear technology.Korbel K.: Laboratorium elektroniki jądrowej

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