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Witold Ceglak czytający książkę w Bibliotece. Stosy książek leżące na biórku po prawej i lewej stronie Ceglaka.

May 9 All day

In May, we purchased for our Library the Rescue Dictionary published by the Warsaw School of Fire Service, which for the first time in the scientific achievements covers the subject of broadly understood and practiced rescue. We also managed to purchase the Annual Report 2022 from the Main Publishing House of the Mining Institute. We also have two books on waste disposal for our readers. A manager or a person creating a team of employees will also find something for themselves in our list. An interesting book is about reputation management in oil sector companies.
Details can be found below.

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Author, title, year of the publicationA short description of topicBook cover
Slownik ratownictwa / koordynatorzy komitety redakcyjnego R. Borkowski,  W. Zubrzycki, M. Feltynowski ; SGSP, ed. 2023A work in the field of safety and related sciences, which for the first time in the scientific achievements addresses the subject of broadly understood and practiced rescue. The definitions in the dictionary refer to theoretical and practical content. The authors described and systematized concepts that had not been defined before or were scattered or incomplete in the literature.
Raport roczny (2022) o stanie podstawowych zagrożeń naturalnych i technicznych w górnictwie węgla kamiennegoThe Report presents a general description of the threats occurring in Polish hard coal mines and the state of the following threats: gas, dust, fire, climatic, seismic, rock bursts, radiation, rock collapse and collapse, and threats occurring in mechanical coal processing plants in 2022 against the background of statistical data from last 10 years.
Majchrzak K.:  Zarządzanie reputacją w przedsiębiorstwach sektora naftowego, ed. 2011The scope of the work includes issues related to reputation management of oil sector enterprises. The subjective scope of the work includes global, private oil sector enterprises and oil sector enterprises operating in Poland. As for the time scope, in the case of global oil sector companies, the references will date back to the 1970s, when companies in this sector were subjected to particular pressure from the environment due to their inappropriate care for the natural environment or local
Szczepaniak .: Frakcjonowanie metali w procesach termicznego przetwarzania biomasy i stałych odpadów komunalnych, ed. 2005The motive behind the adopted arrangement and scope of the work was the author’s belief in the need to organize, at least partially, the complex and multi-threaded picture of the transformations that waste undergoes during thermal processes, especially the heavy metals contained in them.
Piecuch T.: Zarys metod termicznej utylizacji odpadów, ed. 2006The book describes the most important technologies for thermal waste utilization. The author also mentions the pollution of exhaust gases generated during thermal disposal of waste. It describes the types of waste incineration furnaces and some technical solutions of typical waste incineration plants in EU countries and in Poland. The issue of managing residues after thermal utilization of waste, including animal waste, was also discussed.
Cichosz M.: Lojalność klienta a logistyka firm usługowych, ed. 2010The development of the service sector and its increasing importance in the economies of developed and developing countries, combined with the constantly growing customer awareness and expectations, are a challenge for service enterprises. Managers should become interested in the theory and practice of managing service enterprises. The position combines the topic of customer loyalty with the logistics of service enterprises. The reader will find organized issues related to customer loyalty and a discussion of logistics processes and activities occurring in service enterprises. In addition to the theoretical layer, the study also contains a rich application layer.
Luecke R.: Stwórz zespół z ikrą, ed. 2006Teams operate as organized structures. It depends on the manager whether they will succeed or fail. From the book you will learn how to resolve conflicts and build interdependence in teams; improve communication between team members; achieve a common vision of the goal in the team, revitalize commitment and evaluate work progress.

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