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HOT ROLLS – November newsa

Kobieta czytająca książkę w Bibliotece. Stosy książek leżące na biurku po jej prawej i lewej stronie tworzą w środku okrąg przez który widziana jest kobieta. Za nią regały zastawione książkami.

November 10 @ 08:00 17:00

Another portion of new books in our Library. As every month, we recommend a new portion of literature on topics that interest you. In November, you can find books on mining as well as other related topics in our offer. We offer two titles in the field of bionics, which is an interdisciplinary science that studies the structure and principles of operation of organisms and their adaptation in the technique and construction of technical devices similar to the organism. We also recommend a unique monograph on soil classification and an updated edition of the Atlas of Hydrogeodiversity. Details below in our overview.You will also find something for developers.
Detailed information about our news can be found below this post.
We will endeavor to provide you with information about our next news on a regular basis. We are also waiting for suggestions of new book and magazine titles. Look for information about our "hot rolls" always here. In addition, pay attention to the boards of the A1 and A4 items on display - there will also be an information about new books!
We also invite you to have a look at our bookcrossing shelves.
Author, title, year of the publicationA short description of topicBook cover
Pytlik A.: Odporność udarowa kotew górniczych, ed. 2022The monograph was published by the GIG publishing house and is a summary of the author’s scientific activity in the field of research of anchors under dynamic impulse (shock) load.Odporność udarowa kotew górniczych
Poborska-Młynarska K.: Geologiczno-górnicze warunki eksploatacji w kopalniach podziemnych w wysadach solnych Polski  środkowej, ed. 2022The publication presents the geological characteristics of the salt dome of central Poland and their genesis, as well as a lot of historical and contemporary information concerning the conditions and various aspects of technologies used in salt mining. The author draws attention to the possibility of protecting the natural environment with the use of post-mining voids and caverns. The publication is an interesting textbook, which is why it will be used especially by students and engineers experts in industries related to geology, salt mining, Earth science, technologies for obtaining mineral resources, energy (including renewable energy), engineering and environmental protection, and waste disposal.  Okładka ksiązki Geologiczno-górnicze warunki eksploatacji w kopalniach podziemnych w wysadach solnych Polski środkowej
Łaciak M., Włodek T.: Badanie możliwości użytkowania i magazynowania skroplonego gazu ziemnego w aspekcie zmienności jego składu, ed. 2022Investigating the possibility of using LNG in the light of the regulations in force regarding the quality of liquefied natural gas requires the analysis of its selected compositions, taking into account the variability of the basic parameters of the gas. This is due to the fact that the content of individual components in the composition of LNG can often vary within a wide range while maintaining the selected quality criterion. For this purpose, a qualitative analysis and verification of sample LNG compositions was performed in terms of legal requirements and the requirements of potential customersliquefied gas.  Okładka ksiązki Badanie możliwości użytkowania i magazynowania skroplonego gazu ziemnego w aspekcie zmienności jego składu
Siddiqui S.: Nauka programowania opartego na testach, ed. 2022Software is expected to be robust and correct, while at the same time being efficient and scalable. As a developer, it is your responsibility to provide these features for your applications. Regardless of which programming language you use, working in accordance with the TDD paradigm will enable you to obtain testable code of high quality. While these benefits outweigh the disadvantages of the TDD approach, many developers complain about the time-consuming, labor-intensive, and problematic implementation of test-driven development. This is a guide for developers who want to apply the TDD approach in their daily practice. Demonstrates how to use test driven programming while working in three different languages: Go, JavaScript, and Python. Okładka ksiązki Nauka programowania opartego na testach
Michalski Ł.: Optymalizacja decyzji inwestycyjnych w elektroenergetyce, wyd. 2012In the proposed methodology for optimizing investment decisions in the power industry, the author uses the criterion of minimizing the unit discounted social cost of generating electricity from available global and domestic resources of fossil fuels and renewable energy sources, taking into account the technical and economic parameters of existing and new power units, power plants and combined heat and power plants, as well as national and Union.Okładka ksiązki Optymalizacja decyzji inwestycyjnych w elektroenergetyce
Samek A.: Bionika, wiedza przyrodnicza dla inżynierów ed. 2010The handbook discusses the possibilities of using natural knowledge to solve technical problems. It presents the wealth of forms occurring in nature and the functions they perform, which can serve as a model for innovative projects in mechanical engineering and other fields of technology. He gives examples of surprising analogies between the principles and rules concerning the structure and operation of organisms and technical devices. Discusses modern, nature-oriented design methods. He cites examples of implemented solutions modeled on nature as well as concepts and ideas that can inspire creative engineering activities. The manual will undoubtedly contribute to a better preparation of the new engineers of the future. In view of the extremely dynamic development of bionic research in the world and the emergence of innovative structures modeled on nature, it may fill the gap existing in this field.  Okładka ksiązki Bionika, wiedza przyrodnicza dla inżynierów
Samek A.: Bionika w kształceniu, ed. 2013This book is intended to help in the preparation of teaching activities in bionics. It presents many modules of teaching units, lectures and exercises, and provides relevant examples. The laboratory equipment necessary to conduct the classes was also discussed. The information provided is intended mainly for lecturers who can use it to draw specific solutions when designing their classes or to expand or modify their own concepts accordingly.Okładka książki Bionika w kształceniu
Lamparski J.: GPS w geodezji, ed. 2003The publication describes the use of GPS in geodetic works as a development technique that will accompany geodesists in their work in many fields. It discusses the operation of the launched ASG-PL Active Geodetic Network, as well as the Galileo systemOkładka książki GPS w geodezji
Rząsa S., Owczarzak W.: Struktura gleb mineralnych, ed. 2004The monograph contains a set of original research methods, the results of which were used to formulate a new definition of soil structure and to develop a systematics of the structure of mineral soils. The book is intended for a wide range of people interested in soil structure and properties.Okładka książki Struktura gleb mineralnych
Atlas hydrogeoróżnorodności województwa małopolskiego, ed. 2022This is an update from a previous release. It contains updated and refreshed information taking into account changes in geological and mining law as well as the broadly understood development of the spa and bottling industry. The general characteristics of curative and thermal waters and brines are presented, and generally accessible hydrogeological points worth recommending are described and shown in the picture. Okładka książki Odporność udarowa kotew górniczych

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