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Raw Materials Summer Camp on Faculty of Civil Engineering & Resource Management

Machająca nam grupa uczestników RawMaterials-SummerCamp

October 11 @ 08:00 17:00

Raw Materials Summer Camp

Raw Materials Summer Camp 2022 was organized by the Raw Materials at Schools ESEE project with the support of the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT). The event took place on 12-15th September and it was hosted by Faculty of Civil Engineering & Resources Management. MUL, CNR, University of Miskolc and Technical University of Košice were our partners in this venture. The main topic of the entire event was the Circular Economy. Circular Economy is the sensible and efficient management of raw materials and waste. The basis of this concept is the assumption that products, materials and raw materials should remain in the economy as long as possible and the generating of waste should be kept to a minimum.

This year’s RM Summer Camp was attended by 35 participants. Among the participants there were Students, Teachers and Ambassadors which were represented 4 countries: Italy, Hungary, Slovakia and Poland. We had the pleasure to host students from:

  • Miskolci Herman Ottó Secondary School,
  • BMSZC Petrik Lajos Két tanítási Nyelű Technicum,
  • Liceo Ginnasio Luigi Galvani,
  • V Liceum Ogólnokształcącego im. Augusta Witkowskiego w Krakowie.
  • Gymnázium Sv. Edity Steinovej.

Four day course

During 4 days course, the students became familiar with idea of Circular Economy with takes into account all stages of a product’s life cycle, starting from its design, through production, consumption, up to the moment when the object finally becomes waste. Moving to a circular economy model can bring many benefits. Above all, it will reduce the negative impact of waste on the environment, contribute to the non-waste of resources and to a more efficient use of scarce raw materials. Its implementation will also boost competitiveness, innovation, growth and jobs.

The result of lectures, workshops, toolkits and thematic games were individual presentations of students group which presented statistic data, consumption trends and innovative proposal of solutions taking into account product character and its possible lifecycle changes.

RM@Schools Summer Camp is an extraordinary event that allows not only to acquire substantive knowledge, but also – or rather, above all – to make new friends. Students gain the opportunity to cooperate in international teams, which allows them to practice language skills, interpersonal and creative group work.

Calendar of Events

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