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Kobieta czytająca książkę w Bibliotece. Stosy książek leżące na biurku po jej prawej i lewej stronie tworzą w środku okrąg przez który widziana jest kobieta. Za nią regały zastawione książkami.

October 8 All day

According to this title, in October you can find it in the Faculty Library our next news, let’s call them HOT ROLLS as usual. This month we bet on a two fields of science that fit tightly together, that are geodesy and cartography. Surveyor surveying can be done for many different ways and has applications. Obviously, the most salient effects of these measurements will be included in the map. They may refer, among others, to extensive areas t(country, continent). But they can only refer to very small areas like (plot). The results of the work have a scientific function, but may also have a economic function. Security in a broad sense depends on the acquired and processed information that is created while creating new buildings.

Detailed information about our news can be found below this post.

Ulepszcie nas!

We will endeavor to provide you with information about our next news on a regular basis. We are also waiting for suggestions of new book and magazine titles. Look for information about our “hot rolls” always here. In addition, pay attention to the boards of the A1 and A4 items on display – there will also be an information about new books!

Author, title, year of the publicationA short description of topicBook cover
Prószyński W., Kwaśniak M.: Podstawy geodezyjnego wyznaczania przemieszczeń, wyd. 2006The book is devoted to the conceptual and terminological layer of determining the displacements of engineering structures and their surroundings on the basis of geodetic measurements. The concepts relating to the basic methods of processing the results of this type of measurements are discussed. Only at the definition level, specialized processing of the measurement results was indicated. The theoretical background is illustrated with numerical examples, provided with detailed explanations.okładka książki
Barlik M., Pachuta A.: Geodezja fizyczna i grawimetria geodezyjna, wyd. 2007The book is a textbook on that part of the field of higher geodesy which deals with the influence of the gravity field generated by the Earth on the elaboration of the results of geodetic, astronomical and satellite observations. okładka książki
Rogowski J., Kłęk M.: Geodezja satelitarna, wyd. 2009The book on the basics of satellite geodesy discusses the use of global navigation systems GNNS. okładka książki
Łyszkowicz A.: Geodezja fizyczna, wyd. 2012The textbook is intended not only for students, but also for those who feel the need to understand the Earth’s gravity field and methods of studying the geoid course, its importance in defining the altitude system, and satellite methods of determining altitude relative to mean sea level.okładka książki
Dąbrowski J.: Zagadnienia geodezji inżynieryjnej dotyczące inwestycji drogowych, wyd. 2014The item describes the issue of geodetic investment management. The author focuses on the legal basis of road surveying. okładka książki
Gruszczyński S.: Analiza danych kartograficzno-glebowych w procedurach ocen oddziaływania na środowisko, wyd. 2008The environmental impact assessment is one of the most important elements of the environmental policy. The paper presents methods of IT support for soil condition assessment.okładka książki
Gajderowicz I.:  Kartografia matematyczna dla geodetów, wyd. 1999The manual was adapted to the needs of surveyors and cartographers. Describes the problems of cartographic mapping and the distortions that occur. It can also be used by geographers who present the studied natural and socio-economic phenomena on maps.okładka książki
Gajederowicz I.: Odwzorowania kartograficzne,  wyd. 2009The manual was adapted to the needs of surveyors and cartographers. Describes the problems of cartographic mapping and the distortions that occur. It can also be used by geographers who present the studied natural and socio-economic phenomena on maps.okładka książki
Żyszkowska W. , Spallek W., Borowicz D.: Kartografia tematyczna, wyd. 2012The manual covers thematic maps that present objects, phenomena, as well as physical and abstract processes related to selected elements of the geographical environment, occurring on, under and above the Earth’s surface. They visualize not only the location of individual objects or phenomena appearing in space, but also their qualitative or quantitative features, structure and relationships with which they are related to other phenomena or features. Thematic maps fulfill many functions in science. The publication will be especially useful for students of cartographic specialization, geodesy and cartography, as well as geography and related fields of study.okładka książki
Medyńska Gulij B.: Kartografia i geowizualizacja, wyd. 2012A textbook on contemporary cartography in its most important areas, with an emphasis on new technologies. It is intended for students and specialists in fields related to geographic space. Academics who use maps and other forms of geovisualisation in their research work will obtain specific information about the availability of contemporary data sources. okładka książki

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