
Together for the further development of health and safety professionals

As part of the celebrations to mark the 30th anniversary of the Polish National Association of OHS Service Staff Krakow Branch, which will take place on 1st June 2023, the Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Resource Management, Prof. Marek Cała, signed a cooperation agreement between the Krakow Branch of the Association and the Faculty.


Technical conference: Occupational Safety – Education and Good Practices

On 29 September 2023, the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Resource Management of AGH Krakow will organise a jubilee scientific and technical conference: Occupational Safety - Education and Good Practices on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Postgraduate Studies - Occupational Safety and Health conducted at the Faculty.


Scientists’ Night – When Our Faculty Comes to Life!

On September 29, our corridors and laboratories buzzed with life like never before. During Scientists' Night, an event that draws crowds every year, we opened our doors wide to showcase the magic of science in a way that delights both young and older discovery enthusiasts.


HOT ROLLS – October news

October - we are back with a new academic year after the holidays! The Faculty Library does not forget about its knowledge-hungry users. We offer our readers books from a variety of fields.

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