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#KrakówStudies at WILGZ AGH – Recruitment


July 5 @ 08:00 17:00

Matura exam results on July 5!

The month of May was characterised by Matura 2022, and the initial stress quickly passed after the first exam. The last few weeks have been a time for CKE examiners – this time, they had to rise to the occasion, and it was not an easy task. This year, over 289,000 high school graduates took the matura examination.

On July 5, from 8:30 am, the 2022 matura exams will be available on individual student accounts. However, from 10:30 am, the CKE will announce the national results. Thanks to the digital platform – the ZIU system, the Central Examination Commission will simultaneously provide information about the results, certificates and annexes. We are keeping our fingers crossed for all high school graduates, and we await them with you. The next step is to choose the field of study. Later in the article, we will present the areas of study available at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Resource Management AGH.

Studies in Krakow – #KrakówStudies

If you are looking for a place to study in Europe, you should consider Krakow! This city is the centre of world-class universities and has a rich history, vibrant culture and a unique food scene.

In Krakow, everyone will find something for themselves. Whether you’re into art, music or tech, this city has it all! Just the perfect place to study.

We know what you are thinking, “I’m not a scientist.” But that’s the point.

We are looking for thinkers and innovators to help us build a better future. So if you are interested in #technical studies in Krakow, we want to meet you!

Get to know the fields of study at WILGZ.

The Faculty of Civil Engineering and Resource Management of AGH is where you can discover and learn about the latest achievements in engineering, computer science, resource management, management and construction.

We offer six fields of study, thanks to which over 65% of students find their first job during their studies. They can participate in international projects or paid internships at companies with which we cooperate. Over 86% of graduates find a job within six months after graduation.

If you are interested in construction engineering and transforming your vision into real projects, meet Budownictwo – Wydział Inżynierii Lądowej i Gospodarki Zasobami ( Graduates of the faculty can work as designers of buildings, as their contractors, holding positions of engineers or construction managers. Completing this field of study allows one to apply for design and executive building permits.

Shaping the environment requires responsibility and a bold vision that students can cultivate in  Inżynieria Kształtowania Środowiska – Wydział Inżynierii Lądowej i Gospodarki Zasobami ( It is an educational cycle that allows students to acquire knowledge and skills from various disciplines, which translates into vast employment opportunities for graduates. They can be employed in industrial plants and design offices dealing with issues related to engineering and environmental protection.

Management and production engineering are undergoing changes manifested in digitisation, which determines the development of a modern organisation. Management is not indifferent to these changes; on the contrary, it includes such needs as the increasing virtualisation of activities or innovation development in an open model. The answer to these needs in the field of Inżynieria i Zarządzanie Procesami Przemysłowymi – Wydział Inżynierii Lądowej i Gospodarki Zasobami (

Suppose you are not afraid of a challenge and believe in pursuing the socio-economic and natural revival of degraded areas due to industrial activity. In that case, the choice is simple – Rewitalizacja Terenów Zdegradowanych – Wydział Inżynierii Lądowej i Gospodarki Zasobami ( This direction ensures following climate neutrality and energy independence while recognising nature as a critical element in shaping the modern world.

You are interested in exact sciences; you think about a job full of challenges in interesting and changing realities. If you belong to this group, then the field of Inżynieria Górnicza – Wydział Inżynierii Lądowej i Gospodarki Zasobami ( will interest you and allow you to develop in this field. By studying Mining Engineering, you will gain the necessary knowledge, build teamwork skills and develop your managerial sense.

The dynamically changing needs of the economy and the labour market allow for a broader view of safety issues in health and safety, environmental protection and technical security. Major – Inżynieria Bezpieczeństwa – Wydział Inżynierii Lądowej i Gospodarki Zasobami ( is a modern education program combining safety in the human-environment-technology system. Completing the educational cycle of Safety Engineering allows you to obtain the qualifications of a senior health and safety inspector and to hold managerial positions in health and safety services.

Recruitment – useful links 

Information about all courses, including descriptions for dedicated specialities, can be found at the following links: 

Fields of WILGZ Studies: Full-time studies – Studia stacjonarne – Wydział Inżynierii Lądowej i Gospodarki Zasobami (

Collection of information: Recruitment – Rekrutacja – Wydział Inżynierii Lądowej i Gospodarki Zasobami (

You can find a detailed description of the recruitment procedure with the “Step by step” description at the link: Procedura – Wydział Inżynierii Lądowej i Gospodarki Zasobami (

Link to the platform with which you can start the e-recruitment procedure (requires logging in to the student account): 1 | Logowanie do systemu e-Rekrutacja – AGH – Rekrutacja na studia

Recruitment FAQ: FAQ – Rekrutacja – Wydział Inżynierii Lądowej i Gospodarki Zasobami (

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